A 65 minute blend of dance, Pilates, yoga and light weights designed to blast calories, tone your muscles, and work your entire body in one continuous flow. You will move with precision and purpose through sequences created to target specific muscle groups. In SCULPT we move with music. Every exercise is musically driven so you can drop into a meditative state.
SCULPT with Emily will be the most advanced class you will experience at the studio. Please have an understanding of the SCULPT method before booking this class. SCULPT with Danielle, Sarah and Senem are for an intermediate student. SCULPT with Brooke is for the beginner.
The signature SCULPT class that you know and love has been condensed into 45 minutes for those getting familiar with the method. You’re in and out in under an hour and totally worked!
An intense 60 minute cardio class performed on a rebounder. The first 35 minutes of class is done on the rebounder to very specific choreography and amazing music. The choreography is broken down into sequences that are easy to master yet effective on the body. The final 25 minutes of class is SCULPT on the rebounder. You will use ankle weights for this portion of class.
JUMP EXPRESS is 40 minutes of pure cardio fun on the rebounder! Rebounding for 40 minutes is the equivalent of running 7 miles. Cardio on the rebounder is an amazing workout and also an effective way to support your lymphatic system. The rebounder is an awesome piece of equipment because it’s low impact, yet super challenging!
This is Danielle’s incredible interval training class. Danielle sequences moves designed to work the entire body with ease and flow. In interval training you work hard for a specific amount of time, with seconds to recharge in between sets. This mat based class is done to motivational music and with an inspirational instructor who will leave you feeling amazing.